翻译|使用教程|编辑:杨鹏连|2020-12-09 10:40:43.720|阅读 215 次
概述:Phil Factor演示了临时表和表变量的用法,并提供了一些简单的规则来确定表变量是否比临时表(ST011)更好,反之亦然(ST012)。
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SQL Prompt是一款实用的SQL语法提示工具。SQL Prompt根据数据库的对象名称、语法和代码片段自动进行检索,为用户提供合适的代码选择。自动脚本设置使代码简单易读--当开发者不大熟悉脚本时尤其有用。SQL Prompt安装即可使用,能大幅提高编码效率。此外,用户还可根据需要进行自定义,使之以预想的方式工作。
假设您遵循基本的接触规则,那么在使用相对较小的数据集时,应将表变量视为首选。与使用临时表相比,它们更易于使用,并且在使用它们的例程中触发更少的重新编译。表变量还需要较少的锁定资源,因为它们是创建它们的过程和批处理的“专用”资源。SQL Prompt将此建议作为代码分析规则ST011实施-考虑使用表变量而不是临时表。
如果您要对临时数据进行更复杂的处理,或者需要使用其中的少量数据,那么本地临时表可能是一个更好的选择。根据他的建议,SQL Code Guard包含一个代码分析规则ST012 –考虑使用临时表代替表变量,但是SQL Prompt当前未实现。
当使用相对较小的数据集时,它们比类似的临时表快。但是,随着行数的增加(超过大约15,000行,但根据上下文而变化),您可能会遇到困难,这主要是由于它们缺乏对统计的支持。即使对表变量强制执行PRIMARY KEY和UNIQUE约束的索引也没有统计信息。因此,优化器将使用从表变量返回的1行的硬编码估计,因此倾向于选择最适合处理小型数据集(例如嵌套循环)的运算符。联接运算符)。表变量中的行越多,估计与实际之间的差异就越大,并且成为优化器计划选择的效率越低。最终的计划有时是可怕的。
有经验的开发人员或DBA会寻找此类问题,并准备将OPTION (RECOMPILE)查询提示添加到使用表变量的语句中。当我们提交包含表变量的批处理时,优化器将首先编译该批处理,此时表变量为空。当批处理开始执行时,提示将仅导致重新编译单个语句,此时将填充表变量,优化器可以使用实际行数为该语句编译新的计划。有时,但很少,即使这样也无济于事。同样,过度依赖此提示将在某种程度上抵消表变量比临时表具有更少的重新编译优势。
即使行数相对较少,但如果您尝试执行作为联接的查询,也可能会遇到查询性能问题,而忘记了在用于联接的列上定义PRIMARY KEY或UNIQUE约束。没有它们提供的元数据,优化器将不知道数据的逻辑顺序,也不知道联接列中的数据是否包含重复值,并且可能会选择效率低下的联接操作,从而导致查询缓慢。如果使用表变量堆,则只能使用一个简单列表,该列表很可能在单个gulp中处理(表扫描)。如果您同时使用OPTION (RECOMPILE) 提示,准确的基数估计以及连接列上的键(可为优化器提供有用的元数据),然后对于较小的数据集,您通常可以达到与使用本地临时表相似或更好的查询速度。
USE AdventureWorks2016; --initialise out timer DECLARE @log TABLE (TheOrder INT IDENTITY(1,1), WhatHappened varchar(200), WHENItDid Datetime2 DEFAULT GETDATE()) CREATE TABLE #employees (Employee NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(500) NOT NULL); ----start of timing INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Starting My_Section_of_code'--place at the start --start by using a table variable for workpad DECLARE @WorkPad TABLE (NameOfEmployee NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(100) NOT NULL, BusinessEntityID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, NationalIDNumber NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(15) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO @WorkPad (NameOfEmployee, BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber) SELECT Coalesce(Person.Title + ' ', '') + Person.FirstName + ' ' + Coalesce(Person.MiddleName + ' ', '') + Person.LastName + ': ' + Coalesce(Person.Suffix, '') + Employee.JobTitle, Employee.BusinessEntityID, Employee.NationalIDNumber FROM HumanResources.Employee INNER JOIN Person.Person ON Person.BusinessEntityID = Employee.BusinessEntityID; INSERT INTO #Employees(Employee) SELECT TheList.NameOfEmployee + ' - ' + Coalesce( Stuff( (SELECT ', ' + Department.Name + ' (' + Department.GroupName + ') ' + Convert(CHAR(5), Shift.StartTime) + ' to ' + Convert(CHAR(5), Shift.EndTime) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory INNER JOIN HumanResources.Department ON Department.DepartmentID = EmployeeDepartmentHistory.DepartmentID INNER JOIN HumanResources.Shift ON Shift.ShiftID = EmployeeDepartmentHistory.ShiftID WHERE EmployeeDepartmentHistory.BusinessEntityID = TheList.BusinessEntityID FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1,2,''),'?') AS Department FROM @WorkPad TheList; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'The use of a Table Variable took '--where the routine you want to time ends --now use a temp table for workpad instead CREATE TABLE #WorkPad (NameOfEmployee NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(100) NOT NULL, BusinessEntityID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, NationalIDNumber NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(15) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO #WorkPad (NameOfEmployee, BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber) SELECT Coalesce(Person.Title + ' ', '') + Person.FirstName + ' ' + Coalesce(Person.MiddleName + ' ', '') + Person.LastName + ': ' + Coalesce(Person.Suffix, '') + Employee.JobTitle, Employee.BusinessEntityID, Employee.NationalIDNumber FROM HumanResources.Employee INNER JOIN Person.Person ON Person.BusinessEntityID = Employee.BusinessEntityID; INSERT INTO #Employees(Employee) SELECT TheList.NameOfEmployee + ' - ' + Coalesce( Stuff( (SELECT ', ' + Department.Name + ' (' + Department.GroupName + ') ' + Convert(CHAR(5), Shift.StartTime) + ' to ' + Convert(CHAR(5), Shift.EndTime) FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory INNER JOIN HumanResources.Department ON Department.DepartmentID = EmployeeDepartmentHistory.DepartmentID INNER JOIN HumanResources.Shift ON Shift.ShiftID = EmployeeDepartmentHistory.ShiftID WHERE EmployeeDepartmentHistory.BusinessEntityID = TheList.BusinessEntityID FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1,2,''),'?') AS Department FROM #WorkPad TheList; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'The use of a temporary Table took '--where the routine you want to time ends DROP TABLE #Employees DROP TABLE #WorkPad /* now we see how long each took. */ SELECT ending.WhatHappened, DateDiff(ms, starting.WHENItDid, ending.WHENItDid) AS ms FROM @log AS starting INNER JOIN @log AS ending ON ending.TheOrder = starting.TheOrder + 1; --list out all the timings这是我的慢速测试机器上的典型结果:
如果我们联接两个表变量,性能如何?让我们尝试一下。在此示例中,我们需要两个简单的表,一个表包含英语中的所有常用单词(CommonWords),另一个表包含Bram Stoker的“ Dracula”中的所有单词的列表(WordsInDracula)。该TestTVsAndTTs下载包括脚本来创建这两个表,并填充和与之相关的文本文件中每一个。有60,000个常用词,但Bram Stoker仅使用了10,000个。前者远未达到收支平衡点,在那里人们开始偏爱临时表。
除了对主要差异进行一些广泛的解释之外,我不会深入研究这些绩效指标背后的执行计划的细节。对于临时表查询,优化器具有对基数和主键约束中的元数据的全面了解,因此选择了有效的“合并联接”运算符来执行联接操作。对于具有主键的表变量,优化器知道连接列中行的顺序,并且它们不包含重复项,但假定它仅处理一行,因此改为选择嵌套循环加入。在这里,它扫描一个表,然后针对返回的每一行执行另一表的单独查找。数据集越大,效率越低,并且在扫描CommonWords表变量的情况下尤其不利,因为这会导致对表变量的搜索超过60K Dracula。该嵌套循环联接达到“峰值效率”使用表变量堆二,十分钟的查询,因为它涉及数千表扫描CommonWords。有趣的是,这两个“德古拉中的常用单词”查询的性能要好得多,这是因为对于这两个查询,优化器选择了哈希匹配联接。
总体而言,临时表似乎是最佳选择,但我们还没有完成!让我们OPTION (RECOMPILE)向使用带有主键的表变量的查询添加提示,然后针对这些查询以及使用临时表的原始查询重新运行测试。我们暂时不去那些可怜的堆。
如果您也给那些可怜的人OPTION (RECOMPILE)暗示,会发生什么呢?瞧,故事为他们而改变,所以所有三个时机都更加接近。
请注意,这是最终形式的测试台,显示了三种不同类型表的大致相同的性能。您将需要删除OPTION (RECOMPILE)提示以恢复原始状态。
USE PhilFactor; --create the working table with all the words from Dracula in it DECLARE @WordsInDracula TABLE (word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED); INSERT INTO @WordsInDracula(word) SELECT WordsInDracula.word FROM dbo.WordsInDracula; --create the other working table with all the common words in it DECLARE @CommonWords TABLE (word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED); INSERT INTO @CommonWords(word) SELECT commonwords.word FROM dbo.commonwords; --create a timing log DECLARE @log TABLE (TheOrder INT IDENTITY(1, 1), WhatHappened VARCHAR(200), WhenItDid DATETIME2 DEFAULT GetDate()); ----start of the timing (never reported) INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Starting My_Section_of_code'; --place at the start ---------------section of code using table variables --first timed section of code using table variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words not in Dracula] FROM @CommonWords AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @WordsInDracula AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words not in Dracula: Both table variables with primary keys '; --where the routine you want to time ends --Second timed section of code using table variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula] FROM @CommonWords AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @WordsInDracula AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NOT NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words in Dracula: Both table variables with primary keys '; --where the routine you want to time ends --third timed section of code using table variables SELECT Count(*) AS [uncommon words in Dracula ] FROM @WordsInDracula AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN @CommonWords AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'uncommon words in Dracula: Both table variables with primary keys '; --where the routine you want to time ends --last timed section of code using table variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula ] FROM @WordsInDracula AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN @CommonWords AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NOT NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'more common words in Dracula: Both table variables with primary keys '; --where the routine you want to time ends ---------------section of code using heap variables DECLARE @WordsInDraculaHeap TABLE(word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO @WordsInDraculaHeap(word) SELECT WordsInDracula.word FROM dbo.WordsInDracula; DECLARE @CommonWordsHeap TABLE(word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO @CommonWordsHeap(word) SELECT commonwords.word FROM dbo.commonwords; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Test Rig Setup '; --where the routine you want to time ends --first timed section of code using heap variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words not in Dracula] FROM @CommonWordsHeap AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @WordsInDraculaHeap AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words not in Dracula: Both Heaps '; --where the routine you want to time ends --second timed section of code using heap variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula] FROM @CommonWordsHeap AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @WordsInDraculaHeap AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NOT NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words in Dracula: Both Heaps '; --where the routine you want to time ends --third timed section of code using heap variables SELECT Count(*) AS [uncommon words in Dracula ] FROM @WordsInDraculaHeap AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN @CommonWordsHeap AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'uncommon words in Dracula: Both Heaps '; --where the routine you want to time ends --last timed section of code using heap variables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula ] FROM @WordsInDraculaHeap AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN @CommonWordsHeap AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NOT NULL OPTION(RECOMPILE); INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words in Dracula: Both Heaps '; --where the routine you want to time ends ---------------section of code using Temporary tables CREATE TABLE #WordsInDracula (word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO #WordsInDracula(word) SELECT WordsInDracula.word FROM dbo.WordsInDracula; CREATE TABLE #CommonWords (word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO #CommonWords(word) SELECT commonwords.word FROM dbo.commonwords; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Temp Table Test Rig Setup '; --where the routine you want to time ends --first timed section of code using Temporary tables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words not in Dracula] FROM #CommonWords AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN #WordsInDracula AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NULL; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words not in Dracula: Both Temp Tables '; --where the routine you want to time ends --Second timed section of code using Temporary tables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula] FROM #CommonWords AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN #WordsInDracula AS d ON d.word = c.word WHERE d.word IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words in Dracula: Both Temp Tables '; --where the routine you want to time ends --third timed section of code using Temporary tables SELECT Count(*) AS [uncommon words in Dracula ] FROM #WordsInDracula AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN #CommonWords AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NULL; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'uncommon words in Dracula:Both Temp Tables '; --where the routine you want to time ends --last timed section of code using Temporary tables SELECT Count(*) AS [common words in Dracula ] FROM #WordsInDracula AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN #CommonWords AS c ON d.word = c.word WHERE c.word IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'common words in Dracula: Both Temp Tables '; --where the routine you want to time ends DROP TABLE #WordsInDracula; DROP TABLE #CommonWords; SELECT ending.WhatHappened AS [The test that was run], DateDiff(ms, starting.WhenItDid, ending.WhenItDid) AS [Time Taken (Ms)] FROM @log AS starting INNER JOIN @log AS ending ON ending.TheOrder = starting.TheOrder + 1; --list out all the timings清单2
通常,SQL Server专家会就结果的大小提供一些明智的建议,这将导致表变量出现问题。我在本文中向您显示的结果将建议您过分简化问题。有两个重要因素:如果结果超过了,比如说1000行(该数字取决于上下文),那么对于连接到表变量的任何查询,都需要具有PRIMARY KEY或UNIQUE键。在某个时候,您还需要触发重新编译以获得一个体面的执行计划,该计划有其自身的开销。