原创|行业资讯|编辑:status|2020-01-15 10:02:24.340|阅读 781 次
概述:很多国内厂商在准备做数据采集等相关项目的时候需要寻找可靠的OPC产品和OPC厂商提供服务,但是哪些产品和厂商是值得信赖的呢?OPC基金会(OPC Fundation)提供了这一份清单。
# 界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热销售中 >>
在当今复杂的经济社会环境下,信息对业务和盈利而言起着至关重要的作用。OPC技术发明的初衷就是为了让这些信息在不同的平台间实现畅通无阻的交换, 让平台之间实现零成本零耗时的无缝对接。因此而节省的软件开发时间及释放的工程资源可以被用来做对业务更重要的工作。 目前为止,已有超过4200家供应商在1700多万个应用领域里生产了超过35000种不同类型的OPC产品,单在工程资源方面就节省了数十亿美元。
产品名称 | 会员名称 | 产品描述 |
OpenOpcUaCoreServer | 4CE Industry | UA 1.02 Nano Server |
PREXION | Azbil Corporation | DA 2.05a Client |
Harmonas-DEO System OPC UA Server | Azbil Corporation | UA Standard Server |
TwinCAT OPC-UA | Beckhoff Automation GmbH | UA 1.02 Standard Server |
Automation Runtime | Bernecker & Rainer Industrie-Elektronik GmbH | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
Panorama Suite | CODRA | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server, UA 1.02 Client |
UCME-OPC Alarm Notification and Remote Control | Control-See Software Solutions Ltd. | Data Access 2.05a Client |
Cyberlogic OPC Server | Cyberlogic Technologies, Inc. | Data Access 2.05a, Data Access 3.0 |
DELMIA Apriso | Dassault Systemes | UA 1.02 Client, Data Access 2.05a |
UNICORN 6.4.1 | General Electric Company | DA 2.05a Server, DA 3.0 Server |
UNICORN ™ 7.0 | General Electric Company | Data Access 2.05a Server, Data Access 3.0 Server |
UNICORN ™ 7.1 | General Electric Company | DA Server 2.05a, DA Server 3.0 |
Anybus OPC Server | HMS Industrial Networks | DA 2.05a Server, DA 3.0 Server |
IBH Link UA | IBHsoftec GmbH | Standard UA Server |
GENESIS64™: Next Generation in HMI/SCADA Automation Software | ICONICS, Inc. | UA 1.01 Standard Server, Data Access 2.05a Client, Data Access 3.0 Client, UA 1.02 Generic Client, UA 1.02 Data Access Client |
OPC UA Client for WinCC | Ing.-Buero Allmendinger | UA 1.02 Generic Client |
IAC Line Controller™ - OPC UA Server | Inventec Appliances Corp. | UA Standard Server |
KEPServerEX | Kepware Technologies | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 Generic Client |
MatrikonOPC UA Embedded Server SDK | MatrikonOPC | UA 1.02 Embedded Server Profile, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
Matrikon Classic OPC Server Framework | MatrikonOPC | Data Access 2.05a, Data Access 3.0 |
MX OPC Server UA 2.01 | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | UA 1.02 Standard Server |
Modigm OPC UA Server | Modigm Inc. | UA Standard Server, UA Data Access Server |
56eATM OPC UA Server | Online Development Inc. (OLDI) | UA 1.02 Embedded Server Profile, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
OPCSystems.NET | Open Automation Software | Data Access 2.05a Client, Data Access 3.0 Client |
PI Interface for OPC DA | OSIsoft, LLC | DA Server 2.05a, DA Server 3.0 |
OPC Server Transfer Service (OSTS™) | Owl Computing Technologies, Inc. | DA Server 2.05a, DA Server 3.0 |
Baker Hughes Incorporated | PetroSocial Automation Hub – OPC-UA Server | UA 1.02 Standard Server |
Platform.NExT I/O Data Server | Progea Srl | UA Standard Server, UA Data Access Server |
Prosys OPC UA Java SDK / Toolkit | Prosys OPC | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 Data Access Server, UA 1.02 Generic Client, UA 1.02 Data Access Client |
Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server | Prosys OPC | UA 1.02 Standard Server |
ExcelMonitor | Puerto Co., Ltd. | UA Generic Client |
435UA - OPC UA to ASCII Interface | Real Time Automation | UA Nano Embedded Device Server |
Rensen OPC Office Link | Rensen Information Services Ltd | Data Access 2.05a Server, Data Access 2.05a Client, Data Access 3.0 Client |
RtNimbus | RtTech Software Inc. | UA Generic Client |
ZPMC OPC Server | Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. | DA Server 2.05a |
Desigo CC - Building Management Station | Siemens AG | DA 2.05a Server, DA 3.0 Server |
SIMATIC S7-400 with OPC UA CP (CP 443-1 OPC UA) | Siemens AG | UA Embedded Server |
OPC UA C++ Server Development Toolkit for Linux | Softing Industrial | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 Data Access Server |
OPC Classic DA Client Development Toolkit for Windows | Softing Industrial | Client Data Access 2.05a, Client Data Access 3.0 Client |
OPC Classic DA Server Development Toolkits for Windows | Softing Industrial | Data Access 2.05a, Data Access 3.0 |
OPC UA .NET Server Development Toolkit for Windows | Softing Industrial | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 Data Access Server |
OPC UA .NET Client Development Toolkit for Windows | Softing Industrial | UA 1.02 Generic Client, UA 1.02 Data Access Client |
OmniServer Universal Configurable OPC Server | Software Toolbox | UA Standard Server and Data Access Server 2.05a |
OPC Data Logger | Software Toolbox | Client Data Access 2.05a |
TSI Facility Monitoring System (FMS) | TSI Incorporated | UA 1.02 Client |
C++ Based OPC UA Server SDK/Toolkit | Unified Automation GmbH | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
ANSI C Based OPC UA Server SDK/Toolkit | Unified Automation GmbH | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
.NET Based OPC UA Server SDK/Toolkit | Unified Automation GmbH | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
KingOPCServer | Wellintech Co., Ltd. | DA 3.0 Server |
UA Server for CENTUM VP | Yokogawa Electric Corporation | UA 1.02 Standard Server, UA 1.02 DataAccess Server |
JetBrains 官方推出的微信小程序插件为开发者提供了强大的支持,简化了 WXML、WXSS 和 WXS 的语法编辑。通过 WebStorm,开发者可以高效地进行小程序开发,同时享受更高的代码提示与自动补全功能,极大提升开发效率。
这篇文章介绍了IntelliJ IDEA的全新结构工具窗口,通过“逻辑视图”功能帮助开发者更清晰地理解应用程序结构,特别是在Spring Boot等框架中,展示了组件间的关联,提高了代码导航效率和开发生产力。
MatrikonOPC Archiving and Analytics Suite包含存储、移动和访问历史数据所需工具的工具集。
Matrikon OPC Data ManagementOPC应用的转换与传输工具。
Matrikon OPC产品涵盖OPC技术的所有应用领域:采集、存储、转换、传输、安全、冗余等。
Matrikon® FLEX Dispatch™OPC UA 是OPC基金会发布的最新数据通讯统一方法。
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